Putty Pygmalion (Preorder)


By Lonnie Garcia | Paperback

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Publication Date: July 24, 2024

You can't sculpt someone to love.

Derryl, a lonely radish, attempts to create a boyfriend out of a defunct and now illegal children's product. His creation, Peter, springs to life ready to make a child happy, and instead finds a suffocating and cloistered existence catering to Derryl's needs. When Peter sneaks out to a party one night and meets Derryl's friends, he discovers there's even more to his creator's intentions than he thought.

A queer complication on the Pygmalion myth, brought to life through Lonnie Garcia's emotional, multimedia comic art.

About the Author

Lonnie Garcia is a full time trans illustrator and cartoonist, hailing from the coast and hills of Northern California and currently residing in Portland, OR. He has done work for various indie presses, such as Evil Hat, Fortuna Media, and Wigglebird Mailing Club, and specializes in vibrant, charmingly cluttered, (and sometimes lurid) artwork. When not drawing, he is watching camp movies and taking care of his pet bugs. Find more of his work at lonniegarcia.com.

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