Sugar Town


By Hazel Newlevant | Paperback

A bisexual, polyamorous love story for the modern era. Hazel is already in a happy relationship when she meets Argent, a woman who works as a dominatrix, but is sweet and tender outside the bedroom. How will she negotiate this new romance with her boyfriend back home? And what about his other girlfriend? Sugar Town is a fun, colorful comic about a young woman's journey through the delights and disappointments of multiple lovers.

About the Author

Hazel Newlevant is a Portland-raised, Queens-residing cartoonist. Their comics include If This Be Sin, Tender-Hearted, Sugar Town, and No Ivy League. They edited and published the anthologies Chainmail Bikini and Comics For Choice. They co-edited the anthology Puerto Rico Strong, published by Lion Forge Comics, which received an Eisner Award. Their comics have been honored with the Ignatz Award, Xeric Grant and the Prism Comics Queer Press Grant. They have worked as an Associate Editor at Lion Forge Comics, and are currently the social media manager of A Wave Blue World. They like to dance.

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